La Era Plasteozoica

una eco-distopía animada

The Plasteozoic Era
an animated eco-dystopia

Phenomena like the plastic islands floating on the Pacific Ocean, discovered in 1997, or the garbage tsunami that affected the coastline of the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in 2018, are just two examples of the grave situation caused by the growing consumption of single-use plastics locally and globally.

This overconsumption of single-use plastics in packaging, textiles, cosmetics, and many other products, end up in garbage bins or down the drains. In countries that lack policies for solid waste handling, companies that manage landfills often find themselves depending solely on an informal workforce for sorting through the waste once it reaches their facilities. This is a reality to which many societies have grown accustomed to, although they recognize the severity of the problem.

Projects like The Plasteozoic Era, an animated eco-dystopia, aim to raise awareness that both at an individual level and as a society, each one of us can play their part to reduce our negative environmental footprint.

This virtual platform aims to reach audiences of different ages, locations, and interests to broadcast this message of environmental awareness. The artists of the collective continue threading this dystopic and fantastic story through the languages of photography, illustration, and digital animation. This fiction can seem like the only plausible option for some of the species most affected by pollution.

Through their ongoing support to The Plasteozoic Era, an animated eco-dystopia, Ms. Rosa Margarita Bonetti de Santana, President of Fundación Propagas, as well as Mr. Olivo Rodríguez Huertas, Dominican Ambassador in the Kingdom of Spain, reiterate their commitment to environmental causes and the artistic production of the Dominican Republic.

Joel Butler Fernández
Contemporary Art Curator and Researcher
June, 2020